Course Overview

In this six day practice retreat, Ven. Tenpa’i Gyaltsen will lead participants through the practice of the visualization and recitation of Heruka Vajrasattva. We will primarily focus on purifying all broken vows of the pratimoksha, bodhisattva and tantric precepts in order to strengthen our samaya with the Guru. We will also work to purify the subtle inner body of energetic channels.

  • Who is this course for?

    This course is designed for students with interest in purifying their mind and releasing emotional baggage connected with our habituation to destructive states of mind.

  • What will you learn?

    You will learn various ways to practice with the meditational deity of Heruka Vajrasattva and his hundred syllable mantra.

  • How will this benefit you?

    Through understanding how to apply the four powers of purification, you will purify negativity and strengthen your connection with your ultimate purity.

Program Fee

We offer flexible offering levels to accomodate students in different countries and economic situations worldwide. If you need further financial assistance to access a class, please email [email protected] Scholarships are available.


Ven. Tenpai Gyaltsen

Ven. Tenpa’i Gyaltsen and his root teacher, the Kalachakra Master Khentrul Rinpoche Jamphel Lodrö, have collaborated on many English books from the basics of meditation up to the advanced yogic practices of the Six Vajra Yogas.