Dzokden Library
Unrestricted Prayers and Texts (English Language)
Resource Library for English Language
Welcome Message from Khentrul Rinpoche
002 - Short Motivation for Requesting Teachings
004 - Rimé Dedication Prayers
005 - Jonang Dedication Prayers
010 - Praises to Shar Khentrul Jamphel Lodrö Rinpoche from students
011 - Praises to Buddha Shakyamuni
001 - Offering Prayers for Food and Other Enjoyments
011 - Birthday Celebration
001 - Extensive Long Life Prayer for Khentrul Rinpoche
005 - Brief Prayer for the Long Life of Khentrul Rinpoche
006 - Long Life Prayer for Khentrul Jamphel Lodrö
007 - Long Life Prayer for Jamphel Lodrö
013 - Immediate Blessings (Long)
014 - Immediate Blessings (Short)
015 - The Kalki's Roar of Courage from the Depths of Grief
016 - Prayer of Blessing to Clear the Darkness
017 - The Spontaneous Sound of Truth
018 - Kalkīs Prayer for Dispelling Obstacles
Supplications to the Zhentong Lineage
001 - A Short Prayer to Kalachakra
002 - Aspiration for the Sublime Realm of Shambhala
003 - Aspiration for the Two Stages of the Profound Path
006 - Aspiration for Shambhala
013 - Short Prayer for Shambhala
014 - A Very Short Aspiration for Shambhala
020 - An Unbiased Aspiration for All Wisdom Traditions (Rimé Prayer)
022 - Dzokden Aspiration
023 - Prayer for all Attainments